Holiday shift changes caused traffic jams on holiday

Holiday shift changes caused traffic jams on holiday

The holiday shift change caused some significant road traffic delays today. As the ÖAMTC reported at noon, an hour-and-a-half time loss at the Walserberg had to be reckoned with when entering the country. The length of the traffic jam was about 20 kilometers. When leaving the country, the waiting time was about 15 minutes.

There were longer delays in Carinthia at the Karawanken tunnel (A11) in both directions, on the Brenner motorway (A13) in Tyrol before the Schönberg toll booth in the south, and on sections of the entire Fernpass route (B179).

On the Tauernautobahn (A10) in Salzburg, block movement was imposed in front of the Helbersberg tunnel in a northerly direction, and the traffic jam increased to around 15 kilometers. Slow progress was also made in Styria on the Pyhrn Autobahn (A9) in the traffic area between St. Pankratz and Windischgarsten.