Gil do Vigor rebels after Fred Nicacio called him a

Gil do Vigor rebels after Fred Nicácio called him a ‘cartoon fag’ in ‘BBB 23’

Manifesting himself on social networks, the former BBB stressed that Brazil liked him for his honesty and “dogs”.

Play/Instagram/gildovigorMontage with Gil do Vigor and Fred Nicácio
Gil do Vigor countered Fred Nicácio’s lines on “BBB 23”

A comment from Fred Nicocio In the “BBB 23‘ had a negative impact on social media and made Gilberto Nogueira a participant in the ‘BBB 21” the verb published on social networks. Speaking to some brothers outside the home, the doctor compared Bruno to the former BBB, using a pejorative term. “He’s the profile of Gil do Vigor, people like the cartoon fag, that’s the truth. People like to watch it because it’s funny, it’s entertainment. Unfortunately, that was it,” Nicácio shot. The contestant’s comments drew much criticism, and Gil spoke up. “A gay saying that the audience likes the caricatured fag, everyone you have to listen to, everyone is two. But no, the public likes people, people, people who are true, who are sincere, who play themselves, who surrender,” exBBB said on Instagram Stories.

The economist continued his speech by stressing that Brazil doesn’t like him just because he’s a “gay guy”. “People told me a lot, thank God, that they liked me because I was sincere, because I was honest, because I was one of the dogs, because I was an academic, because I was a researcher, because I was a religious person, because I was was a missionary,” he explained. “I have titles, I have a lot of things in my luggage and I come from humble backgrounds, I slept on the streets night after night, I had a mother who struggled so I represented the Brazilian who made it through despite suffering has to smile. Among all my traits, one of the things that I have is that I was queer, that I managed to be accepting and accepting of myself within a reality show.” Gil also tweeted, “I cook my caricature to a fag Furico out”.

🚨 Fred Nicácio compares Gil do Vigor to Bruno. The doctor said both fell into the public taste of being “cartoon gays”.

— Famous Collection (@midiasdefamosos) January 20, 2023

🚨WATCH: Gil do Vigor comments on Fred Nicácio’s speech in which the doctor says the public likes “caricata fag”. #BBB23

— CHOQUEI (@choquei) January 20, 2023

Summarize me into a ridiculous queer, my FURICO. It is everyone who gives two!

— GIL DO VIGOR (@GilDoVigor) January 20, 2023