Gf Vip knives fly between Oriana Marzoli and Antonella Fiordelisi

Gf Vip, knives fly between Oriana Marzoli and Antonella Fiordelisi: «You throw yourself from one cabbage to another»

To move the dynamism of the Casa del GF VIP he thinks about it Oriana Marzoli. A few hours ago, a somewhat sizzling little scene played out in the yard between Oriana and Antonella Fiordelisi. The two began teasing each other, prompted to do so Edward Tavassi, but Antonella, trying to stab Oriana, insulted her: “She focuses everything on aesthetics, I don’t.” Oriana immediately blew her a kiss and Fiordelisi replied: «You are a bit Farmer, improve, you must improve, you can do it. You’re 30, you can still do it. I’ve improved too.”

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But Antonella didn’t stop there and actually continued and threw her a real one at the end bomb: «What numbers are you doing my goodness, you throw yourself from one cabbage to another».

The insult

This insult said by cornflowers clearly has a different reference than that gieffina she stopped speaking in time. Although it wasn’t uttered, the word seemed clear to the internet, which began circulating the video in question, accusing Fiordelisi of exceeding the limit.

The war against Antonella

Also, after this outing, Antonella continued to throw jabs at Oriana, saying: “Aren’t you a little ashamed? Pull yourself together, I don’t know how much men like you, they will stop at the aesthetic and then run away like someone has already done. You have to do the dishes. He copied my dick, he wants to be like me». And there are those who are now demanding action against Antonella.

Last updated: Thursday 19 January 2023 22:37