1674148164 Genevieve Schmidt had a crush on Benjamin Gratton on the

Geneviève Schmidt had a crush on Benjamin Gratton on the sets of STAT – 7 Jours

The character of the surgeon played by Geneviève Schmidt in STAT quickly captured the hearts of the audience. “Isabelle is perfect in her professional life, but has no social skills.

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I really like playing both sides of the coin. Isabelle is the mother of an autistic teenager played by Benjamin Grattonthe son of Mathieu Gratton and Patricia Paquin. It seems he is rehearsing his lines with his parents as he arrives on set super prepared. Recently, at the end of an emotionally charged day of shooting, I texted him, “Bravo, you did it like a champ!” He simply replied, “Thank you.” Benjamin lives in the present moment; he doesn’t need recognition. He enjoys the set, then moves on. We should all approach life like handsome Benjamin!”

Genevieve Schmidt had a crush on Benjamin Gratton on the


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