1674146661 fixes the problem by casting Natuza Nery instead of Tralli

fixes the “problem” by casting Natuza Nery instead of Tralli

GloboNews management selected Natuza Nery to direct the 18th edition during Cesar Tralli’s vacation, which began on January 9th. However, this choice created a problem for the leading news channel in its segment. How to go back to the old format when the newspaper got better with the interim presenter?

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This is not to detract from Cesar Tralli’s excellent and recognized work at the helm of Grupo Globo’s news programmes, but it should be clear that Natuza Nery’s profile is better suited to the newspaper’s offering.

On air, she manages to establish a very intimate relationship with the camera, difficult in journalism and very common among great communicators. Something very similar to Hebe Camargo (1929 2012) in presenting their program on SBT. The viewer gets the feeling of observing a person who is very close to him.

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The 18:00 edition has gained the agility of radio and is hotter. In addition to accurate analysis of this turbulent moment of government change, Natuza always has lastminute information that ultimately guides other vehicles.

Natuza Nery interviewed Lula

GloboNews fixes the

Today, her importance in the political segment is so relevant that she was given the first interview by President Lula (PT) after winning the 2022 election, which pierced the entire press. The exclusive was shown last Wednesday (18) on GloboNews.

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Of course, the valuable window that Grupo Globo can offer any politician makes it easier to negotiate an interview in Brasilia, but with so many good names on GloboNews, Natuza Nery was not chosen to interview Lula for free. He was there because of his competence, intelligence and credibility.

Sandro Nascimento

These attributes made Natuza the first female journalist to be responsible for the first interview of a presidentelect at Globo for the first time in decades. A tradition that has always belonged to William Bonner at Jornal Nacional.

Given all this, now what? How to stop Natuza Nery from anchoring the 18h edition on Cesar Tralli’s return from vacation? GloboNews found a “problem”.