How old was Chaves on the show Online series

Finally, what is the Pelé film cited by Chaves during the series? Online series


The series premiered on the SBT program in August 1984 (Credit: Reproduction/SBT/Disclosure/Televisa)

In one of the episodes of “Chaves”, the barrel boy refers to the name of King Pelé, the famous Brazilian soccer player who is considered one of the greatest athletes of all time.

“It would have been better to see Pelé’s film,” the orphan teases the villagers during a cinema session.

This line became one of the most striking in the Mexican series, and many were curious as to which film Chaves was quoting in the scene.

First off, it’s important to note that the phrase has been adopted from the Brazilian dubbing. Originally the character says “Mejor hubieramos ido a ver al Chanfle” and cites another production with the same actors called “El Chanfle“.

It is difficult to identify which Pelé film was mentioned by the voice actors since the player took part in several productions such as Os Trombadinhas (1979), Fuga para a Vitória (1981), A Vitória do Mais Fraco (1983 ), Pedro Mico (1985) and Os Trapalhoes eo Rei do Futebol (1986).

However, one of them stands out as in one of the scenes the character asks if Edson Arantes do Nascimento is really Pelé.

“Are you Pele? No… I’m Jô Soares…” the player replies in “Os Trombadinhas”. This scene has become a classic and spawned several memes on social media.

Could this be the movie quoted by Roberto Gómez Bolaños’ character in the episode?

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