1659284353 Fedez Codacons wont give up

Fedez: Codacons won’t give up

The latest hit produced by Fedez is the song LA DOLCE VITA, created in collaboration with Tananai and Mara Sattei; Last summer, however, the rapper ignited the charts with “Mille”. However, the song had (for the umpteenth time) drawn the wrath of the codacons. The singer’s “fault” would have been that he had hidden advertising in favor of Coca-Cola in the “Mille” video clip.

The Codacons never seem to have had any sympathy for Fedez, who has often ended up in the club’s sights. Last year, however, the piece Mille was the subject of discussion. At that time the rapper who had created the song together Orietta Berti and Achille Lauro, had been accused of doing this covert advertising in favor of cocoa cola.

The coordination of associations for the protection of the environment and the rights of users and consumers, which he often found pretenses attack the man (and sometimes even his wife) he had actually tried again!

Codacons demands Mille’s retreat

Coca-cola ok

That codacons he never gave up fedez and indeed, in the past, the Consumers’ Association had come back to attack Ferragni’s husband, accusing him of storming his supporters with advertising messages over his Instagram page and took the stage on May 1st to promote the brand Nike and embrace the cause of Ddl Zan coinciding with the launch of its line of nail polish for men

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A short time later, however, the man was charged with covert sponsorship of Coca Cola.

The rapper recently released the song “Mille” – along with Achille Lauro and Orietta Berti – accompanied by a video clip a real incentive to consume Coca-Cola, as well as a disguised advertising from a piece of music that violates antitrust regulations.

it read in one note in which it was stated that the codacons he thought of a complaint to the cartel office and the institute for advertising self-regulation.

But that wasn’t the end of it, because the club wanted it too to forbid there diffusion of video clip on TV channel and on the web and the reproduction of the song on national radio. The request? Remove coke out text and Video.

But in the end, the rapper had the upper hand…