Fazenda 14 Bia Miranda opens her heart and reveals difficulties

Fazenda 14: Bia Miranda ‘opens her heart’ and reveals difficulties she went through in her childhood: "Burned by cigarettes…


The pawn decided to open the game and revealed some difficulties she went through as a child

By Guilherme Corte

10/01/2022 08:53 BRT

10/01/2022 08:53 BRT

Pictures: Playback/RecordingTV.Pictures: Playback/RecordingTV.Guilherme Corte

In the early hours of today, Saturday (1), Bia Miranda has talked a lot among netizens. The participant from The farm 14 decided to open the game and during a conversation with Shayan, revealed some difficult situations he went through in his youth. It all started after the peasant declared: “You are a girl who was happy and having fun. I have nothing against you, I never had.”

When Gretchen’s granddaughter heard the prisoner’s speech, she raved about her childhood. “Look, let me explain. All my life I’ve been burned by cigarettes, I’ve been slapped in the face, I’ve lived on the streets. I stayed one day when I was 7 years old and slept on the street. I washed the bathroom, the house, everything. Because my mom asked for it every day until I was 17,” she began saying.

Bia also continued her outburst, revealing that she had gone through some disappointments in love, family and friends: “I turned 17, got a husband and moved in with him quickly. All my life I’ve suffered from friendships, from dating, with a mother, with family, people of my own blood, I’ve suffered. So don’t say that I’m rude and impolite. If I’m like this today, it’s because I’ve suffered a lot in the past, I lost a lot with friendship and family.”

Shayan tried to cheer the peon up with a few words of encouragement, emphasizing Bia’s positive traits. “But you have this funny side, this happy side. So what did I tell you? You can be an easy girl, a happy girl. You have to allow yourself. We all have blocks,” he concluded.