Evo Morales highlights US decadence in Bolivia.webp

Evo Morales highlights US decadence in Bolivia

La Paz, August 11th- Former President of Bolivia Evo Morales today affirmed that US policy in Latin America is on the decline as he unveiled a book on the historic repression of indigenous rebellions.

The play To blood and fire! Túpac Katari’s Warning to Evo Morales of the Indigenous Rebellions, by authors Juan Ramón Quintana and Loreta Tellería, is a comparative history text that addresses the issue in its continuity, according to historian Pablo Quçisbert.

Alongside Morales, former Deputy President of Bolivia Álvaro García Lineras attended the presentation.

“I think that this contribution by Juan Ramón Quintana and Loreta Tellería is a way to refresh our memory because if we don’t review our history, if we don’t know what happened in the colonial era and in the republic, we continue to do so do be subject to empire and capitalism. ‘ Morales claimed.

He added that rights obey an external mandate and that knowing history is necessary to ensure a better world is possible.

Regarding Washington, he insisted that its hegemony was in decline.

“Cuba was expelled from the OAS in the 1960s for being a socialist, and today it is an honor to retire from this organization,” he said. He noted that Latin America has an increasing number of socialist-leaning presidents, including former guerrillas such as José Mujica, Dilma Roussef and now Colombia’s Gustavo Petro.

He pointed out that it was a failure of US policy to blame the union and social leaders fighting for the best social policies as guerrillas and terrorists.

“That’s why I say empire is in decline, he suggested, it’s not dominating Latin America like it used to be.”

He recalled the recent Summit of the Americas, which several heads of state and government did not attend, and out of the 22 participants, 20 publicly criticized in solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua for not inviting these countries and also regretted the coup d’état in November 2019 vs Bolivia.

“From an economic point of view – he underlined – the states are giving up their hegemony, in 1930 and 1940 they had 40 percent of the weight in the world, and today it is about 20 percent”.

Morales stressed the importance of unity within Bolivia to preserve the achievements of the process of change promoted by the Movement for Socialism and called for discussion of a program to achieve the second democratic and cultural revolution of the Plurinational State. (Text and photo: PL)


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