Europe emergency plan no hotter than 19 degrees no colder

Europe emergency plan: no hotter than 19 degrees, no colder than 25

A magic formula against the gas crisis is not expected when the EU Commission presents its plan on Wednesday for how Europe will fare next winter. The first leaks of the emergency plan leaked. Probably the most important message: Save energy, save, save – and preferably from now. “Everyone can save gas, even in sheltered sectors, homes, public buildings, industry and the electricity sector,” says the agency’s newspaper.

She recommends cooling in public buildings not below 25 degrees. In turn, it should only be heated to a maximum of 19 degrees. Industrial companies should be given financial incentives to reduce gas consumption or switch to other forms of energy.

“Protected Customers”

The EU Commission cannot order anything in the gas crisis – only recommend it to EU governments. This includes: Governments should start information campaigns across the country as soon as possible on how people can save energy by heating and cooling.

In addition, states must determine the order in which they would close industrial plants in the event of an extreme supply emergency. Hospitals and homes remain “protected customers” – in the event of gas rationing, they would be the last to see their supply cut off. It would reach others much sooner: shopping malls or offices.

If all electricity production is in jeopardy, you need to think again. Then countries can force the continued operation of gas-fired plants, which are necessary for the production of electricity, and, in return, reduce the supply to certain protected consumers.