1661008900 Eucalyptus and its respiratory secrets September 5th

Eucalyptus and its respiratory secrets September 5th

As the COVID-19 pandemic peaked worldwide, there was a lot of buzz in Nicaragua, Bolivia and other countries in the Americas due to the supposed discovery of the miraculous plant not only to fight but also to eradicate the disease. Then the eucalyptus hit stellar levels in the good news, and quite a few herbalists took the opportunity to boost their winnings in Raging River.

It is true that we had before us a natural remedy with multiple medicinal properties for a whole range of diseases of the human organism, especially those affecting the respiratory tract; Therefore, their relationship was foisted on the above to counteract the consequences left behind by the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the pandemic.

from the pharmacopoeia

Eucalyptus is a tree in the Myrtaceae family., with a characteristic deep smell and a smooth texture. This plant has been used for years for its medicinal properties due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Eucalyptus and its respiratory secrets September 5thThere are several recipes in which it can be used for medicinal purposes.

A chemical compound found in eucalyptus called eucalyptol would clear the mucous membrane in people with asthma problems, although further evidence on this is lacking, a publication on the WebMD portal points out.

However, what is scientifically proven is the richness in mucilage and saponins that it possesses and for this reason its double expectorant and expectorant action stands out, in addition to being an excellent antiseptic, antispasmodic and antipyretic.

There are several recipes in which you can use eucalyptus for medicinal purposes. For example, if you choose the infusion, it will be made directly with the leaves of the plant. Professionals recommend using them dry as they facilitate the dissolution of their properties in water. If you don’t have these fresh veggie bits, try getting them out in the sun hours before you prepare them.

In this case, you should heat a liter of water and when it boils add 100 grams of the leaves. Leave to rest and then strain and drink at the desired temperature. A dose of two cups daily is recommended.

Gargling with the plant, in turn, is used to relieve nasal congestion or colds. In order not to mistreat the throat, they recommend taking this type of rinse once in the morning and once in the evening. The preparation is very simple: you just have to put the eucalyptus leaves in water and bring to a boil. Once the liquid is very hot, remove from the heat and let stand until it reaches room temperature. Serve a little in a container and gargle at different intervals for 10 minutes.

Inhalations are, without a doubt, perhaps the most common use of this powerful vegetable. With great care, they can be performed twice a day, their powerful scent helps to decongest the airways and the results are visible after just a few sessions.

The preparation of this procedure consists in using two tablespoons of dry leaves of the plant in half a cup of water (125 ml). Light the fire and when it turns brown pigmentation and the steam starts to appear, remove the container and approach it with your face, being careful not to burn yourself. You can cover your head with a towel for more effectiveness.

Eucalyptus baths are very useful because, like inhalations, the steam can help clear the airways and expel mucus without having to ingest the herbal liquid. If you choose this remedy, you can solve the problem with a cup of leaves and another four water. Make the infusion and pour it into the bathtub and let it soak in the solution for 30 minutes.

Finally, eucalyptus drops are used for emergency or quick situations where a more effective method is needed. These can be prepared in advance and stored in the fridge. Remember to consult the doctor before consumption.

Also, eucalyptus has been shown to prevent bronchitis flare-ups when combined with two other essential oils that contain lemon and pine components. This also explains why cough drops often contain extracts of the former.

The leaves of this vegetable with chamomile cleanse the airways, relieve coughs, colds and are an excellent natural sedative. These benefits are due to the compounds it contains such as flavonoids, triterpenes, tannins, and phenolic acids that help fight infections in the system, in addition to clearing bronchial secretions and excreting mucus. The best mode in this case is inhalation.

1661008896 396 Eucalyptus and its respiratory secrets September 5thThis plant has been used for its medicinal properties for years.