Erotic star talks about her painful monkey

Erotic star talks about her painful monkey pox

Adult star Silver Steele suffered from the illness for three weeks. He documented his progress on social media.

Funny Burning Below Mouth And Tiny Blisters On Chin: Erotic star Silver Steele noticed these symptoms on July 11, 2022. At first, the 40-year-old man from Houston, Texas, thought it was a razor burn, but it was soon diagnosed with chickenpox.

To this day, the 40-year-old man does not know where or when he was infected, unfortunately contact tracing was unsuccessful. But the erotic star hasn’t let his quarantine get him down and has documented his smallpox course on social media. “My aim is not to annoy anyone, but to enlighten them,” said the 40-year-old. “Not everyone has symptoms in the same way, but more than one professional has told me that my case is a ‘clinically perfect’ example.”

Sometimes the symptoms were so bad that doctors prescribed the controversial pain reliever Vicodin. It took a full three weeks for all the symptoms to disappear.

“These pustules can be very painful, others have them on the genitals or anorectal area, making going to the bathroom a pain. A kind word is enough,” Silver Steele said in a message.