1655328369 Eight and a half Lucio Caracciolo quotIll tell you what

Eight and a half, Lucio Caracciolo: "I’ll tell you what Draghi will say to Zelenskyy". And on the Meloni …

Eight and a half Lucio Caracciolo quotIll tell you what

Likewise Lucio CaraccioloShe, a guest on Otto e Mezzo, the talk show moderated by Lilli Gruber, joins the chorus that has been criticized in recent days, especially from the left Giorgia Meloni for a speech in Spain at the Vox Convention. Caracciolo did not mince his words: “Meloni gave a speech with Francoist tones, a speech that was strong enough in the manner and in the words used”. After comparing Meloni to Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, Caracciolo then spoke about the trip to Kyiv that Draghi is preparing. The director of Limes goes even further and tries to explain what will really happen after this trip and especially in the conversation between the prime minister and Zelenskyy: “I am sure that Draghi Zelenskyy will say that he will open a dialogue with Putin, because this war cannot last long”.

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Then he added: “In a few weeks the Russians will break through east and the situation will become much more critical for Ukrainians, hence the need to start negotiations.” In short, according to Caracciolo, we are facing a very important turning point for the war.

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The mission of dragon It is crucial to understand when the negotiating table will be reopened that could bring an end to this conflict that has been going on for months and is becoming bloodier by the day.