Drought makes Hitlers fleet emerge from the Danube 20 Nazi

Drought makes Hitler’s fleet emerge from the Danube: 20 Nazi ships sunk in WWII

When it says that history emerges from the water again. Thanks to the current drama of drought which occupies the water basins Europe. It happened to him Danube one of the great European rivers suffering from the phenomenon of the sinking of the water level, where the carcasses of over twenty warships of Adolf Hitler’s fleet in the Black Sea sank near Serbian port city of Prahovo during World War II. An impressive sight that the section of the Danube in Serbia offers.

The contours of the carcasses look worn from decades spent deep in the river mud. And today, the ghost wrecks return in grand style to evoke the apocalypse of war and Nazism. As Portal reports, the resurfaced ships are among hundreds of Hitler’s Black Sea fleet, once the flagship of Nazi Germany, that were sunk on the Danube in 1944 while retreating from advancing Soviet forces. Finds that over time have even hampered river traffic at low tide.


The weeks-long drought has caused the water level in the river to drop dramatically, and this is one of the most unexpected consequences. The news attracted international media attention. According to the Washington Post, many more ships buried beneath the river’s sandbars are likely to resurface. But the Nazi ships that now shore up the waters of the Danunbio are also attracting the attention of professionals. Young Serbian Transport Minister Belimir Trajilović told reporters that at least ten thousand explosive devices were hidden in the exposed rubble.


It’s not an isolated phenomenon. The continental drought offers more historical surprises. In Spain, the Valdecanas reservoir dried up, exposing a prehistoric stone circle. A monumental context known to scholars but practically invisible. It is nicknamed “Spanish Stonehenge“, Officially named as the Dolmens of Guadalperal. Here the water level has dropped to 28% of capacity. As a result, this site, discovered as early as 1926 but covered by water in 1963 and seen only four times since then, once again shows its beauty.