Do you know who this beautiful woman is The mother

Do you know who this beautiful woman is? The mother of one of the most desirable showgirls

Who is this lady in the photo? The mother of one of the most sought-after showgirls in entertainment in Italy

Browse the past of VIPs It may be very difficult for some, but the truth is that the world of internet has experienced a very important explosion in the last twenty years. And thanks to this massive spread of the use of the Internet, it is becoming easier and easier to find information, but also background, anecdotes from the past, linked to a specific figure in the entertainment world. So, with the web, there’s another element that validates the ease with which a familiar face on the show can provide content about the past.

Veronica CozzaniWho is this woman in the photo? (instagram)

SocialIn fact, they are a very common tool today. Of course, some are used more and others less. Instagram, in this case, is probably the main platform with which the well-known faces of the show, but also of cinema, music, theater stay in touch with people. Sharing images and videos is the main activity that allows you to build very strong bonds with your community.

And so in this photo we see a beautiful woman. Who is? mother of one of the showgirls most valued in our country. She’s not Italian, it has to be said, but she’s now taken a relevant position in our world of entertainment. He is constantly at the center of gossip, but also very active (especially in the last few months) in the world of television. Beautiful and the face of many very important brands. Do you understand who we are talking about?

Here is Veronica, Belen Rodriguez’s mother: in this photo she was very young

That’s right, the woman in question is Veronica Cozzani, the mother of Belen Rodriguez. As can be deduced from her surname, the woman is of Italian origin (Liguria to be precise). Even today, at the age of 59, the woman, that woman, is beautiful and the somatic similarities with Belen herself are absolutely distinguishable. We didn’t see her as a major player in show business, at least not as her daughter.

Tales of Belen RodriguezStories by Belen Rodriguez (Instagram)

But Veronica never backed down when it came to defending Belu. So, in a comment too Instagram, Cozzani replied just a while ago to a user who accused Belen of being too easy a woman. “What does that mean? It’s called living! You fall, you make a mistake and you get up as many times as you have to! This is living, ”Veronica’s words.