Did Liz Truss text North Stream to Washington

Did Liz Truss text North Stream to Washington?

Kim Dotcom, a computer scientist known for his hostility towards the United States and NATO, surfed the hack of the former British Prime Minister’s phone and spread a rumor that has no basis.

Bad times for Liz Truss. After a brief forty-four-day stay at Downing Street, the former British Prime Minister has had to face a new scandal. On Saturday October 29, the Mail on Sunday revealed that her personal mobile number had been hacked by Kremlin agents this summer when she was Boris Johnson’s foreign secretary. The daily explains that this information was the subject of a media blackout and that Liz Truss feared the information would be leaked as she campaigned to regain the post of UK Prime Minister. It is also stated that she changed her home phone number before taking office as Prime Minister.

Copyright Infringement

Following these embarrassing revelations at this level of responsibility, German-Finnish businessman and computer scientist Kim Dotcom released a tweet implying that “the Russians know that Britain, in partnership with the United States, blew up North Stream pipelines.” because according to him, “Liz Truss used her iPhone to send a message to Antony Blinken [le secrétaire d’Etat des Etats-Unis, chargé des Affaires étrangères, ndlr] a minute after the pipeline exploded and before anyone knew about saying ‘it’s done’.” According to him, it’s “thanks to iCloud’s admin access [le service de cloud d’Apple utilisé par les iPhones, ndlr] which is great” that this information could be obtained from the Russians.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Kim Dotcom has defended a pro-Russia line, blaming the United States and NATO for the Russian-led invasion. Based in New Zealand, he has been trying to avoid extradition to the United States since 2012, where he is prosecuted for aiding and abetting large-scale copyright infringement with his file-hosting site Megaupload. He faces a heavy prison sentence.

No evidence presented

Given the criticism that pointed to an inconsistency in her story — the hacking of Liz Truss’ home number happened while she was secretary of state, for example, when the North Stream gas pipeline explosion happened on September 26 during her tenure as prime minister, she had a new one number – Kim Dotcom responded on Twitter that “the Five Eyes [l’alliance des services de renseignement de l’Australie, du Canada, de la Nouvelle-Zélande, du Royaume-Uni et des Etats-Unis, ndlr] are not the only ones with backdoor management access to all major corporate databases. Russia and China also have sophisticated cyber units. The funny thing is that high security clearance government officials still prefer using iPhones to their NSA and GCHQ-issued encrypted crappy phones [le service du renseignement britannique, ndlr]”.

Looking for the origin of the information that Liz Truss texted Antony Blinken “it’s done,” it appears that Kim Dotcom was the first netizen to tweet the statement. It has since been picked up by the Russian Embassy in the UK, which relayed a request from the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman urging London to formally respond to the allegations.

Where does Kim Dotcom get its alleged information from? In a tweet published on Tuesday, Kim Dotcom revealed his response to a BBC journalist who asked him to produce evidence to support his claim: “On the same type of evidence that US intelligence sources provide anonymously to the US media and then report as facts. I’m sure the BBC is familiar with this concept. You do it all the time.” The computer scientist therefore did not provide any evidence for his statement.

“Compromised Message”

In response to a second question asking if he had access to the pirated “information,” Kim Dotcom said that “there is none [a] had no access,” before repeating, “Since the Edward Snowden leak, it has been known that the intelligence agencies are digging deep into all major technological databases. This has sparked a cyber arms race with non-US intelligence agencies now also having access to all the databases of major tech companies. This means that every message sent over civilian communication channels will be compromised by several leading intelligence countries.”

In this second answer, he adds that “Liz Truss is rumored to have used an unsecured channel to send a revealing message to Blinken shortly after the Nord Stream explosions,” and points out that he then “saw has, as the spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry has addressed, issue publicly with the British government. I don’t think they would have done it if they hadn’t already known the answer.”

However, they forgot to mention that the question was asked by Russian diplomacy only after Kim Dotcom first distilled this rumor.