Comedian Who Mimicked Dilma Admits He Wasnt Robbed

Comedian Who Mimicked Dilma Admits He Wasn’t Robbed

Pleno.News 18.01.2023 14:31 | updated on 01/18/2023 05:22 p.m

WhatsAppImage20230118at14.14.27Humorist Gustavo Mendes Photo: Reproduction/Videoprint Instagram Gustavo Mendes

This Tuesday (17), comedian Gustavo Mendes took to social networks to admit that he was not the victim of an attack. It manifested itself through a video following the completion of the investigation by the Civil Police of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais.

Mendes emphasized that he was attacked with two stones in the head.

I came here to explain exactly what happened: First I have to remind you that I received two very strong blows to the head. The worst didn’t happen, but they were given to kill. And when you get hit on the head, you don’t really remember what happened,” he said.

The comedian explained he left a bar and didn’t recall being approached by a woman asking for money.

A woman stops me at 4am and I give her a curt reply. I was afraid at dawn on the street. She asks me for money and I have a phrase I always say when they ask me for money: “I have it but I don’t want it”. She left, told her husband, who was right behind, and he came to please me he said.

However, according to the report, a small discussion started and the woman’s companion took two stones to meet Gustavo.

The fact is that I was wrong in this denunciation, but the act itself is there. I was the victim of that aggression, I suffered aggression and I could have been dead at the time.

Earlier this month, the comedian shared on Instagram that he had been attacked during an attempted robbery.


Check out this photo on Instagram

A post by Gustavo Mendes (@gustavomendes)

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