1661021300 Claudia Jimenez died of heart failure The actress had a

Claudia Jimenez died of heart failure; The actress had a heart attack in 1999 and underwent three heart surgeries

the interpreter of Dona Cacildathe “Escolinha do Professor Raimundo” and Edileuzafrom “Sai de Baixo”, was hospitalized at the Hospital Samaritano in Botafogo, in the South Zone.

1 of 3 Actress Cláudia Jimenez, in a file photo — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Actress Cláudia Jimenez, in a file photo — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

cancer and heart surgeries

In 1986, Claudia went to the doctor because of a persistent cough and discovered that she had cancer, a malignant tumor in the mediastinum, behind the heart. Disillusionment ensued. The diagnosis was not met, and the actress was cured of the disease with the help of Chico Anysio.

However, the radiation sessions caused him another health problem. Doctors believe the treatment compromised her heart tissue, forcing her to do so at least three surgeries in the following years.

2 of 3 Cacilda and Edileuza — Photo: Advertisement

Cacilda and Edileuza — Photo: Advertisement

The first was to be put in 1999 five heart bypasses; the second in 2012 for the aortic valve replacement by another, synthetic; and the third in 2014 to put a pacemaker.

“When I say to my doctor, ‘Oh damn radiotherapy!’ Then he says: “But if it hadn’t been for her, you would have been up there a long time, right?”. And it’s true, I mean, we always have to say thank you instead of whining,” Claudia said in an interview with “Fantástico” in 2014, months after the operation.

“Maturity makes you look more beautiful. Sometimes I realize I’m not cool inside, I’m looking for something to make me feel cool. There are people who say to me, “Oh, how fragile you are”. I say, “Fragile? I’m the strongest person I know. They come to me and say, “Let’s change the aortic valve.” I say, ‘okay, let’s go’. “Let’s do five bypasses”. ‘Okay, let’s go then’. “Place the pacemaker”. ‘OK’. I’ll do anything to stay here,” he said.

Think of Claudia Jimenez's characters and catchphrases

Think of Claudia Jimenez’s characters and catchphrases

Daughter of a tango singer and traveling salesman and a coconut candy wrapper, Claudia Maria Patitucci Jiménez was born in 1958 in Barra da Tijuca in the western zone of Rio.

She took the normal course of study with a focus on kindergarten and kindergarten and devoted herself to amateur theater even in her youth.

“I’ve always been a clown, always. At the nuns’ school, they paid me a candy so I wouldn’t miss going to religion class, because when I went it was just fun,” he said.

She made her debut in professional theater in 1978 in Chico Buarque’s play Opera do Malandro, which starred the prostitute Mimi Bibleot.

It was director Mauricio Sherman who brought her to TV Globo. In the 1980s, Claudia took part in the opening of the program “Viva o Gordo” by Jô Soares, bringing the insatiable to life purityYour wife Apollo, from the catchphrase “I’m still dying for this!”, in “Chico City”. “Purity only thought about sex,” Claudia recalled in an interview with “Folha de S.Paulo”.

3 of 3 Paulo Silvino poses next to Claudia Jimenez during the recording of Globo’s 2014 yearend message — Photo: Renato Rocha Miranda/Globo

Paulo Silvino poses next to Claudia Jimenez during the recording of Globo’s 2014 YearEnd Message — Photo: Renato Rocha Miranda/Globo

From 1990 Claudia Jimenez lived the open and outstanding Dona Cacilda, one of the students of the “Escolinha do Professor Raimundo”, with the “Professor” Chico Anysio. With Cacilda he made another slogan: “Beijinho, beijinho, pau, pau”.

Cacilda, Claudia recalled in 2014, keep her in her heart. “It wasn’t even because of the character, but because of what I was living there. It’s been six years of laughter,” he said. This role got him that APCA Trophy 1991 for best female comedian.

In 1996, Claudia brought another iconic figure to life: the domestic Edileuza, from “Sai de Baixo”. His clashes with Miguel Falabella’s Caco Antibes made the audience laugh. It was only one season, but his catchphrases are remembered to this day.

Claudia also made soap operas. It was the bina from The Tower of Babel (1998). dagmar from “The Mother’s Daughters” (2001), the consuelo from “America” ​​(2005), the custody from “Seven Sins” (2007), the violate from “Business from China” (2008), the zelia from Beyond the Horizon (2013) and the lucrecia from “Let There Be Heart” (2016).

In cinema he starred in Gabriela, Cravo e Canela (1983), Opera do Malandro (1986) and Os Trapalhões no Auto da Compadecida (1987). also titled ellie from “Ice Age”. With the bias from “O Corpo” (1991), won Best Actress at the Festival de Brasília.

His last role was Bibiana of the frame “Offenders”, in Fantástico, in 2018.