Catia Fonseca criticizes the reversal of Manoel Soares in Pantanal

Catia Fonseca criticizes the reversal of Manoel Soares in Pantanal actress

The moderator Catia Fonseca opened a room at Melhor da Tarde this Wednesday (10/8) to publish a message about Manoel Soares from Encontro. The band’s communicator shared what she thought of the reversal the Global brought to life for a guest when she encountered a racist term.

It all happened when actress Marcela Fetter, who was airing in the Pantanal, used the phrase “black sheep” on the morning show when discussing the character who lives on the 9 p.m. soap opera. Without thinking, Patrícia Poeta’s partner immediately interrupted and corrected her, which went viral on the internet.

“I’ll tell you something, I understand. It’s a wrong, unacceptable term,” Catia began. Then the journalist said that the mistake happened out of habit. “But we need to give things some time to settle down in this context as well,” she said.

Read the full story on TV Foco, partner of metropolises.

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