Carlinhos Maia speaks for the first time about the fight

Carlinhos Maia speaks for the first time about the fight between Emily Garcia and Babal

Confusion between Emily Garcia and Babal Guimarães continues after the influencer denounced alleged assaults by her husband on social media and to the police. Amid the chaos surrounding his brotherinlaw, Carlinhos Maia spoke to the LeoDias column about the situation.

WhatsAppImage20230124at18.03.40WhatsApp picture 01/24/2023 on 03/18/40CarlinhosmaialucasguimaraesemilygarciaebabalCarlinhos Maia, Lucas Guimaraes, Emily Garcia and Babal

Carlinhos Maia, Lucas Guimaraes, Emily Garcia and Babal

Advertising by Metropoles 1 PartnerEmily Garcia exposes alleged aggression from Babal Guimarães (Image: Reproduction/Instagram)Emily Garcia exposes alleged aggression from Babal Guimarães (Image: Reproduction/Instagram)

Emily Garcia exposes alleged aggression by Babal Guimarães (Reproduction/Instagram)Emily Garcia exposes alleged aggression by Babal Guimarães (Reproduction/Instagram)

Influencers Emily Garcia and Babal Guimaraes

Emily Garcia and Babal Guimarães Reproduction

Advertising by Metropoles 2 partnersEmily Garcia and Babal Guimarães (Reproduction: Instagram)Emily Garcia and Babal Guimarães (Reproduction: Instagram)

Emily Garcia and Babal Guimarães (Reproduction: Instagram)

Color photograph by Babal GuimarãesPhoto Babal Guimaraes

Babal Guimarães has been fired from Rezendes influencer agency after being accused of attacking Emily Garcia


Exclusively to the LeoDias column, the digital influencer revealed what he spoke to the couple about.

“I chose not to get involved, it was their relationship, I didn’t live in the house with them, I advised them both to resolve their issues in court from the start. I prefer to stay outside and hope that everything turns out well. My main interest is that Miguelzinho stays, he’s an incredible kid who I have a lot of love for. May justice and they solve themselves,” declared Carlinhos.

Despite advising Emily and Babal, Carlinhos doesn’t want to get involved: “Every time I stick my nose in something, everything will be left to me, and in the end they will say that I was the one who attacked them. Then I got tired!” he said.

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