Cara de Sapato has an anxiety attack on BBB 23

‘Cara de Sapato’ has an anxiety attack on BBB 23: How to help someone in this situation? Estao

At the first festival of Big brother Brazil On February 23, the participant Antônio “Cara de Sapato” faced a crisis fear. “Sometimes I have it at night,” the fighter told Amanda, another contestant on the reality show, who was trying to calm down her coworker. “Breathe, be at peace, be still,” she advised.

Situations like that of the fighter are becoming more and more common, especially in Brazil World Health Organization (WHO), is the scariest country in the world. Almost 10% of the Brazilian population lives with this disease. In some cases, the disorder can trigger in one fear crisis or panic crisis, as it is also called. “In these situations, it’s common for the patient to have a sense of imminent death or sudden fear with no apparent danger,” says Luiz Gonzaga, a psychologist at Santa Paula Hospital in São Paulo.

For the specialist, recognizing an anxiety attack is not only important for those affected, but also for those around them. Observing your body’s signals can be a first step. He explains that in these situations the heartbeat increases, hands begin to sweat, breathing accelerates, and in more severe cases, chest pain may even be felt. Check out some possibilities help someone during an anxiety attack.

How can you help someone with an anxiety crisis?

Strive for empathy

When dealing with a person who is going through an anxiety attack, you have to try to understand how they are feeling. “People around you should understand that it’s not cool or that there’s no reason to feel that way,” says psychologist André Zanatta.

And there are some ways to conduct this reception, such as avoiding hostile attitudes. Anxiety Crisis Frames are triggered by fear even though there is no immediate danger. Therefore, aggressive behavior can aggravate the situation. search for one Active listening, so you can record what the person has to say. Also, respect the moments of silence and the wishes of that person.

Try breathing exercises

It is common that during times of crisis breathing speeds up or that inhaling and exhaling becomes more difficult. And that’s a big problem since It’s harder to restore calm when the respiratory rate is faster. To alleviate these symptoms, the psychologist recommends some exercises that have a similar effect meditative practices. It is important that they are made by those who are suffering from the crisis, but also by those around them.

“Put your hands on your stomach and try to lift it up as much as possible by breathing,” says André. Another possibility is to set up some pauses between inspiration and expiration. “Breathe in through your nose, hold the lungs for a few seconds, exhale slowly, and wait a few more seconds to repeat the process,” he says.

Breathe through your nostrils alternately can also help. This exercise involves breathing through one nostril while pressing the other with your index finger. Exhalation must be through the other nostril that was pinched at the moment of inspiration. The psychologist recommends repeating this cycle a few times until the individual realizes that the The respiratory rate is accelerated less.

Breathing exercises help because they allow the person in crisis to focus on what is important present moment. In general, anxiety crises are triggered by fear of something to come. Therefore, Focusing on the now is important to alleviate symptoms.

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Change the focus of the situation

It is important to try to divert the person’s attention away from what is causing their anxiety. Bring up other issues, comment on them positive situations or remembering moments of crisis that she has survived being careful not to arouse other triggers are ways of shifting the focus of the situation.

Especially in teenagers, it is common for anxiety attacks to occur in the days leading up to important exams such as the entrance exam. In such cases, it is best to talk about other subjects and pursue other activities alongside your studies.

go out to Hiking is another option. It could be a walk around the block or a stroll in a quiet square. “It breathes fresh air, as we popularly call it,” he says. In the cases where the crisis occurs in crowded environments like malls or subway stations, finding it is important reserved seats so that the person can overcome the crisis.

Greeting with gestures

Welcoming a person in crisis goes well beyond words. Gestures are important too. “Sometimes taking your hand and looking into your eyes can even be more effective than some medications,” says André. Try to make more sensitive contacts that demonstrate your presence in that moment. “The person feels like someone cares about them,” he says. “And that alone can give the person an extra boost. She realizes that there are people who want her good. And touch conveys that more easily than words.”

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Avoid selfmedication

If you see a person facing an anxiety crisis, do not recommend any type of medication. It is best to try to do breathing exercises, distraction and reception. In more severe cases, seek professional help in an emergency room.

“People who are already on medication for anxiety can ask if they have medication for emergency situations, but never take medication without a doctor’s prescription,” says André. “If the person is using emergency medication, it’s ideal that it’s used as a complement to reception techniques,” he says.

Physical exercise is indicated to avoid anxiety attacks.Physical exercise is indicated to avoid anxiety attacks. Photo: Pixabay

What to do after the crisis

  • seek psychotherapy. Weekly followup with a therapist is essential for anxious patients. Therapy makes it possible to find ways to overcome crises.
  • Pay attention to some habits. Anxious patients should avoid certain habits, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, as they can trigger crises.
  • Adopt an exercise routine. Try to establish a physical activity routine. Even if they are lowintensity, they can control anxiety, improve sleep quality, and reduce stress.
  • find leisure activities. Recreational activities such as going to the movies, reading a book, or listening to music are also good indicators of reducing anxiety as they promote a greater sense of relaxation.