Can you criticize a paid adaptation

Can you criticize a paid adaptation?

Director Anna R. Costa thought Cristina Morales’ Easy Reading was good material for an adaptation… I don’t know if she knew beforehand that the author was going to be difficult to deal with. Morales uploads Easy (the adaptation of his novel for Movistar Plus+, due out this autumn) in Rockdelux magazine. To summarize: The adaptation looks Nazi. “Could it be (…) that the producers won’t release the money if they take their feet out of the pot?” Reportedly, no one at Movistar seems to have read the book apart from the director. As reported, parts of his book appear to have appeared in a fanzine and not in Anagrama, awarded the Herralde. As explained, no one would say that in 2019 he accepted the most systemic award of all awards, namely the National Literary Prize. No one would say that news of the above award reached him in Havana, where he was taking part in an activity of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Being anti-system like being a catholic, vegan, feminist or worshiper of Pazuzu is a sucker because if you don’t take care of yourself you can see the seams. Wanting to fight the system by using the system is complicated; Look how uphill it is for Vox to end the autonomies of autonomous positions.

We’re still stuck in the diatribe about whether you can criticize something if you make a very good living from it. Criticize after charging, is that possible? Of course. The why and how is another matter. And in one corner of the debate is the issue of camaraderie, breaking up the work of others before the product even comes to light. Spitting on your face is punk, but… is spitting on your co-workers punk?

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