By when 8 curious taboos that have not been broken

By when? 8 curious taboos that have not been broken until today

Compared to other generations, we live in a moment of greater freedom. However, there are still many taboos that we have to do without, such as women who are forced to shave, or someone who cannot go to the cinema alone because such actions are not well received by society.

Giving up some old concepts can be a great decision to make way for a new understanding of life. Therefore, we need to break open and dismantle some ideas that are no longer consistent with our way of life.

So we’ve brought you a list of 8 taboos that have yet to be overthrown and we’re counting on you to make it happen. Here we go?

1. Men cry

The first topic we’re going to address today is normalizing the idea that men have feelings too, and the best way to express them is to cry.

Contrary to what many still believe, crying has nothing to do with weakness, but with the idea of ​​expressing feelings that have often been stored for a long time.

It also means that we shouldn’t feel guilty about showing such moments to other people.

2. Don’t want kids

It is true that having a child used to be almost a duty and many felt guilty when something happened that prevented them from continuing this project. However, things are a little quieter these days and people are already more comfortable denying this idea.

Still, we have a long way to go to break this and other taboos.

3. Men wear women’s clothes

Third, we need to normalize the fact that men want to wear women’s clothes, after all, we need to be comfortable with what we wear.

4. Going to the cinema alone

Common sense dictates that going to the movies alone, or even having dinner with yourself, is inappropriate. However, this is a complete misconception as going to the movies is just a form of selflove and enjoyment.

5. Women with hair

It is high time to normalize the fact that women have armpit hair along with other body parts such as the face or legs, after all hair is part of the human body. Let’s break this taboo!

6. Tattoos and piercings

It may be that tattoos and piercings are commonplace, but it doesn’t happen in the work environment, why? People with such adornments also manage to be smart and capable and not rely on their piercings to be taken seriously.

7. Being single in adulthood

As far as we know not everyone has the same desire to start a family and get married in adulthood, some want to continue to live their freedom, travel and enjoy what life offers.

8. Say goodbye to some friendships

Finally, friendships can also end, no one is under any obligation to be lifelong friends with, especially if those friendships don’t listen to what you have to say and don’t respect your space.