Bruno insists on intrigues with sister I see how she

Bruno insists on intrigues with sister: “I see how she always looks at me” Splash

During the first BBB 23 party, the game’s intrigue grew stronger — and Bruno took the opportunity to restate his distrust of Marília over Amanda, saying that “it doesn’t suit her.”

Bruno. “Look at her look, look at her face. Do you think you’re out of place? Don’t you. Look at her judgmental face. And she often watches me after I’ve told her the truth to her face . I understand she always looks straight at me”.

The brother didn’t mention Marília’s name, but when Paula approached the conversation and asked if the conversation was about the makeup artist, Bruno confirmed it.

Before the party, he said he “didn’t sense the truth” in Marília. Bruno was also one of the reality contestants who took issue with Natalense’s makeup.

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