1658694331 Bolsonaro nominated candidate for presidential election

Bolsonaro nominated candidate for presidential election

07/24/2022 17:55 (act 07/24/2022 17:55)

Right-wing populist is well behind left-wing former president Lula

Right-wing populist is well behind former president Lula ©APA/AFP

The head of state of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, was officially named his party’s candidate for the presidential elections in early October. The 67-year-old only joined the Liberal Party at the end of last year in order to participate in the elections. On Sunday, in Rio de Janeiro, the party nominated General and former Defense Minister Walter Souza Braga Netto as its candidate for vice president.

According to polls, right-wing populist Bolsonaro is well behind left-wing former president Lula da Silva, who was nominated as a PT candidate in São Paulo on Thursday. Bolsonaro expects a favorable wind after Congress allowed the government to spend more on social spending in the election year. In addition, Bolsonaro sows doubts about the Brazilian electoral system.

A presidential candidate cannot run without a party in Latin America’s biggest country. Bolsonaro was elected a member of the right-wing Social Liberal Party in 2018. The founding of his own party after his departure in 2019 did not go beyond the signature-gathering phase.

Parties and alliances now have until August 15 To their candidates with the Supreme Electoral Court. As of August 16, electoral campaigns in Brazil are officially allowed.