Belo is training for a new series with the cops

Belo is training for a new series with the cops who arrested him 20 years ago

With a music career spanning over 30 years, Belo is preparing for a new challenge, this time as an actor. In the new project, Pagodeiro will play a policeman in the series Veronika, which will start recording for Globoplay streaming platform in February. In an interview with the LeoDias column, the singer revealed how he feels playing a character who brings back difficult memories of his drugdealing arrest 20 years ago.

“It’s those very memories that make me feel like I’m ready to play this role. I experienced this universe first hand more than 20 years ago and today I can translate what I observed in it through my character. Emotions from that period resurface, of course, but it’s also an opportunity to relabel them. And that’s what life is about, isn’t it? Take the bad, turn it into something good and move on with new achievements. The role in ‘Veronika’ is one of them,” explained the pagodeiro.

According to series writer José Júnior, Belo takes acting classes in the Cidade da Polícia in Rio’s North Zone and follows the routine of real police officers to play the character.

“Belo will be Inspector Silvio from the Drug Suppression Police Station, formerly called DRE and recently reverted to its name DRE, which is Drug Suppression Police Station. Belo makes a dramaturgical preparation with Fátima Domingues and Isa. He also does a tactical prep with four cops, three are BOPE cops and one is a plainclothes cop, all their prep is with real guns but with safety locks, that’s why we call it scenic guns. His character plays a very important role in the story, he’s a SAFER cop and in a way he’s going to be a very active participant in this first season,” José Júnior said in an interview with the column.

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