BBB23 Brother doesnt hold back and expresses interest in moving.webp

BBB23: Brother doesn’t hold back and expresses interest in ‘moving duvet’ with Gabriel Santana

The actor Gabriel Santana, known for his roles in Chiquititas, Malhação and Pantanal, was announced last Thursday the 12th as part of the BBB23 Camarote group. But many did not expect what was to come: the artist surprised the public in a circumcised form, flaunted a lot of style and revealed his bisexuality, becoming the promise of someone who will cause this edition of the reality show.

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Gabriel Santana is very clear when he says he came out with the aim of playing and winning… But things could have been more interesting for his brother if the public’s decision on Casa de Vidro had been different. That’s because the contestant who lost and even fell into the public eye, Manoel Vicente, loved knowing about the quasicolleague’s bisexuality in custody.


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“It would be difficult to be locked up with Gabriel Santana. I vowed not to get under the covers, I would burn my tongue at the first party,” the redhead admitted via his Twitter profile. It is worth remembering that the psychiatrist is engaged, but their relationship works openly. That means both he and the friend have the freedom to get involved with other people.


Unfortunately the public won’t be able to see this couple on screen, but there are plenty of other opportunities for Gabriel Santana within the BBB23. Internet users also reported that they had a crush on the ‘Mosca’ actor. “God only knows what crazy things I would do just to kiss Gabriel Santana,” one user commented. “Our Gabriel Santana walks into my house and…” suggested a second. “Supreme crush,” defined another.