BBB 23s Dirty Bathroom Grabs Attention and Goes Viral Casa

BBB 23’s Dirty Bathroom Grabs Attention and Goes Viral Casa Vogue

“THE wet area already yelling ‘Help God'”, “Looks like a bathroom beach house when you wash and the floor is full of sand. The difference is that the ‘BBB’ has no sand and is still dirty’, ‘My biggest fear? The BBB’s dirty bathroom,” were some of the comments from those who saw the picture.

The reactions didn’t stop there. “Four days into the program, boys. I would just freak out”, “If I join the BBB you can be sure that I will get in a fight over a dirty bathroom. How horrible!”, “If my mom went to the BBB, she’d put people in the dry cleaners. For love, what a dirty bathroom”, “But also how stupid of the architect to put so much porous material in a place that certainly would not be properly cared for. Disgusting” .

See some of the comments: