BBB 23 Poll indicates a pair being eliminated on the

BBB 23: The audience chooses the “favorite” duo in the duel for the secret room Splash

Little is left for the first “elimination” of BBB 23 (Globo). In the best guarded house in Brazil, they don’t know, but the “eliminated” duo head straight to a secret room.

  • Another survey will be opened there and the actual elimination will take place on Thursday (26th).

Out here, the public follows and comments on everything that happens on the global reality show. Advantageously, a duo stands out positively on social networks. The performance of pairs mated in the first week of BBB 23 was measured in the Digital Popularity Index (IPD)calculated after Wednesday in an exclusive poll for syringes.

How is the IPD calculated?

The index, which varies from 0 to 100, is calculated by the consultancy through an artificial intelligence algorithm that collects and processes 152 variables from each participant’s profiles on social networks: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Wikipedia, Google and YouTube .

The tool monitors six aspects: digital presence (active profiles), fame (number of followers), engagement (comments and likes per post), mobilization (shares), value (percentage of positive and negative reactions), and interest (search volume). . The account also contains the results.

Data exclusive to Splash

On the first wall of BBB 23, Key and Gustavo Internet users’ favorites are displayed! With a higher IPD and a higher percentage of positive mentions on the networks, the duo is has a good chance of staying and Not Go to the secret room.

  • Average IPD of Key and Gustavo: 36.5
  • Average IPD of Marília and Fred Nicácio: 24.8

And more…

While Gustavo, Key and Marília presented growth in their respective popularity Fingerprints, Fred Nicácio’s DPI didn’t fluctuate much.

Without much relevance on social networks and facing stronger digital fans, the doctor is able to take his partner Marília to the Secret Room, where they will have to face each other in a new elimination.

Another point that could point to the elimination of Fred or Marília is the lower percentage of positive mentions they both have regarding Key and Gustavo.

UOL BBB 23 Poll: Which duo would you like to send to the Secret Room?




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Total 92176 votes

The UOL voting has no scientific character and has no influence on the result of the TV Globo broadcast