BBB 23 Summary Controversial Darling Rivalry and More What happened

BBB 23 Summary: Controversial Darling, Rivalry and More; What happened in the best guarded house in the country…


The game has barely started and the house is already quite busy, with many people in action as confinement begins

By Ysac Freitas

01/18/2023 19:45 BRT

01/18/2023 19:45 BRT

Play/GshowPlay/GshowYsac Freitas

Jeez, this darling is already on fire! Tina is already keen and immediately sent Domitila this text: “Snake changes skin!”. That’s not all, Cristian and Marília are in the sights of the house. The boy received 13 negative emojis while Marília received 8. Cristian was even attacked with a snake, 5 plants and 2 vomit.

Sister Larissa, on the other hand, received this flirtation with a super hot text message: “God forgive me, but I keep fasting on a woman like that every day.” Amanda also received a very sweet text message from her supposed friend, Cara de Sapato, saying, “Tmj Amandinha!! !” But what really blew up was the lying emoji Bruna got, which declared war on her suspected Key Alves and Agroboy Gustavo.

In addition to the first exchange of words, there was crying. Cézar didn’t hold back as he spoke to Domitila about how he feels about the BBB. In a conversation with the activist, Cézar broke down in tears as he spoke about how he felt about the game. Cézar mentioned the moment when Fred told Nicácio about an event in which he lived. Fred said when he was a physical therapist he saw a doctor intubating a patient and said he wanted to intubate. A (white) nurse told him to leave, explaining that this was for doctors only. Seven years later, Fred returned as Dr. Fred and said she was his nurse.

The phrase in question caused a stir online, with numerous nurses pointing out that Nicácio related the situation with an air of superiority, as if doctors were superior to nurses. That they fight against this stereotype every day and that you don’t fight prejudice with prejudice. Cézar also told Domitila that he felt bad about the situation because he was a nurse and had fought so hard for class recognition. Cezar later spoke to Nicácio about the statement that bothered him: “You said you went back to the hospital and that nurse who said she… ‘was there to help me’. That word to help me…” Nicácio immediately replied: “Help me. I was intubated and she had to help me, that was the line.”

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