BBB 23 MC Guime accuses Fred Nicacio of religious intolerance

BBB 23: MC Guimê accuses Fred Nicácio of religious intolerance Splash

MC Guimê reported to his colleagues Ricardo, Bruno and Gabriel in Quarto Deserto about an episode with Fred Nicácio that was bothering him on BBB 23 (Globo).

During a speech after the Bate e Volta race, which Gabriel and Paula won and Fred Nicácio lost, Guimê stated that God gave Gabriel a chance to see his flaws in the program before he was eliminated.

Gabriel had been reprimanded by Tadeu Schmidt for his treatment of Bruna Griphao.

According to Guimê, Nicácio would have argued that Gabriel won the race through luck and agility, not religion. For the musician, the Candomblecist practiced “religious intolerance” with him.

“[Fred Nicácio] I had an act of religious intolerance yesterday, hard, hard!” said Guimê. “Because I believe in God, I believe in God. And yesterday in my speech to you I quoted God [Gabriel]so you had a chance to reflect on your mistakes.”

“He took it and said no, it wasn’t God, no. That it was luck and agility,” he lamented. “If he doesn’t believe it, I want him to fuck off”

Ricardo defended the doctor, saying: “That’s because everyone’s pissed off and those who lose their minds end up saying things they wouldn’t say outside.”

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