BBB 23 Losing patience Key Alves detonates Bruna Griphao and

BBB 23: Losing patience, Key Alves detonates Bruna Griphao and plots against the actress: "Do you want to be friends with everyone…


The volleyball player combined votes for sister

Photos: Reproduction/Rede GloboPhotos: Reproduction/Rede Globo

The game is on BBB 23. This Sunday (19th), key alves used a conversation by the Fundo do Mar group to outline the strategy for Paredão. The volleyball player complained Bruna Griphao and combined votes against the sister on the reality show.

talking in the kitchen, button detonated the posture of the actress gustavo It is Fred Nicocio. “I already had a problem with Larissa, but today I find Bruna even worse than her,” she shot while the brothers listened to the allies’ speech and agreed with the sister.

> Photo: Reproduction/Rede Globo

The volleyball player continued to detonate the actress, saying that the actress pretends to be friends with everyone as her game strategy. “To me, she’s wrong, folks. She is fake! It stays here in her little ear, then it’s there in the other… She wants to be friends with everyone and she’s nobody’s friend!” continued button.

Fred Nicácio agreed button and said that Bruna follows the same line as shoe face. gustavo also gave his opinion and said he will vote for the actress. “Between Larissa and Bruna, I prefer you go to Bruna now,” she agreed fred. After commenting Cezarsaid the trio that the other members of the group are not allowed to vote Grippingbecause they like the sister.

Lauren Berger, 23 years old, born and raised in Porto Alegre, RS. As a journalist, I’m passionate about reality shows and pop culture. As a diehard fan, I can’t deny a good series and film marathon!