1676312419 BBB 23 Lexa defends MC Guime after Gustavo and Key

BBB 23: Lexa defends MC Guimê after Gustavo and Key Alves point out “falseness in funk music: “I think that …


Guimê’s wife posted the verb on social media following the couple’s comments about the funk singer

Photo 1: Reproduction/Instagram by Lexa |  Photo 2: Reproduction/GloboPhoto 1: Reproduction/Instagram by Lexa | Photo 2: Reproduction/Globo

The atmosphere in the house is tense BBB 23. The last formation of the wall that led to it MC Guime, Paula, Bruno It is amanda in the hot seat, created big “rumbles” in the early hours of reality. In the Leader’s Room e.g. key alves It is gustavo pointed out “falseness” in the game of one of the walled players.

On this occasion, gustavo commented that he did not trust MC Guimebecause, according to the cowboy, he doesn’t even know how to fight back in the game. button then added: “Since Gabriel’s time, when he was with Gabriel, he was a person, then he became another, then he started kissing our ass, that’s not a reliable person for me,” said the athlete .

> Image: Playback/Globo

The GusKey couple’s speech ended in displeasure Lexa, who took to social media to defend her husband. “Gustavo and you rock live, right? I don’t know what happens when the good voice comes from beyond,” the singer stuck. Then MC Guimê’s wife also criticized the couple’s game: “What Guimê never screwed up, I think you live in a parallel world and forget that Brazil is watching this terrible game that you both play,” she wrote.

It is worth remembering that Guimê came into the limelight after being nominated directly by Gustavo, the leader of the week. The funk artist now competes alongside Amanda, Bruno and Paula for the attention of the audience. One of the four will leave the best guarded house in Brazil this Tuesday (14).