BBB 23 Gustavo talks about his relationship with Key Alves

BBB 23: Gustavo talks about his relationship with Key Alves: "passion not yet"


The brother confessed that he is still not in love

By Ysac Freitas

01/21/2023 18:09 BRT

01/21/2023 18:09 BRT

Playback / GshowPlayback / Gshow

At BBB 23 the emotions and strategies of the participants are defined. As well as couples or dates, whatever you want to call them. However, there are Agroboys who are down to earth when it comes to love. Yes, Gustavo is focused on the game and admits his heart is closed.

Despite being very close, Key Alves and Gustavo have different thoughts about the future of the two in the house without skipping steps. At least that’s what the cowboy admitted when he said his heart is still not set on the volleyball player with whom he has a great affinity.

“No passion yet, right… It happened that we caught up. But she’s a hot girl,” Gustavo said when asked about the relationship he has with the brunette during confinement. It is worth remembering that the two continue to share many moments together, leaving the relationship open.

We’re still talking about BBB 23, the angel test has already taken place and didn’t fall into the laps of Key and Gustavo. And yes, Aline and Bruno, who won the first test that guarantees the power to immunize an ally.