Anuel AA becomes a father to another woman after marrying

Anuel AA becomes a father to another woman after marrying Yailin la Más Viral

Posted in PROMIS on 06/14/2022 15:29

With less than a week to celebrate his marriage yailin the most viral, it turned out Anuel AA became the father of a girl.

In accordance with people in spanish, Finally The daughter was born, which the singer had with Melissa Vallecilla, a Texas woman who said a few months ago she was pregnant with the reggaeton player.

“Welcome, my love. Thank you for bringing us so much happiness! We love you!”the 28-year-old wrote at the end of a photo series that she shared on Instagram.

Melissa Vallecilla introduced her newborn daughter
Photo: Instagram @meli__valle

That is known the newborn will be named Gianella Gazmey Vallecilla, and although the singer has not spoken on social networks, the little girl bears her last name.

How did Anuel AA meet his daughter’s mother?

It was last March when the show “El Gordo y la Flaca” revealed details of the four-month romance Anuel had with Melissa in September 2021, whom he allegedly met at a rapper Drake’s party.

Apparently, Upon learning of the young woman’s pregnancy, Anuel AA agreed to a paternity test. which came out positive. However, when he started his relationship with yailin the most viral, He stopped communicating with Melissa and ignored his daughter.

Anuel AA is currently in Spain where he will start a long tour, so he shared it with his followers on his Instagram account. Meanwhile, his current wife, Yailin La Más Viral, has also remained silent on the subject.

Featured Video: This was the wedding of Anuel AA and Yailin La Más Viral