Anitta having fun in an intimate exam quotMake a deal

Anitta having fun in an intimate exam: "Make a deal with my polemic"

Anitta at the 2022 Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas, USA (Photo: REUTERS/Steve Marcus)

Anitta at the 2022 Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas, USA (Photo: Portal/Steve Marcus)

In the treatment of endometriosis, anita shared with her followers on Instagram a pelvic floor exam that she had to do as part of her medical followup.

The singer laughed goodnaturedly during the exercises she had to do in the anal area. “I’m doing a very fun thing. Sensational! I’ve become a painter of ****. I play video games with my ass. I’ll show you. The technical name is biofeedback. To make it less technical, less taboo, we call it’s a video game with oc*,” she laughed.

To better show her followers the situation, Anitta showed the exam screen, which captures electrical signals from the anus, vagina, and urethral region. “My name with my c*. I rock here,” she added.

Is Anita cured?

anitaLarissa Manoela, Tatá Werneck, Adriana Esteves and several other celebrities have previously revealed that they suffer from endometriosis, a disease that affects people with a uterus and occurs when the endometrium tissue that lines the inside of the uterus spreads to other organs passes the pool.

Anitta’s case has been a constant topic in recent weeks as the singer underwent surgery and has not hidden the physical and emotional damage endometriosis has brought. “From America to Europe without sleep because the pain speaks louder than anything. You can’t focus on a book or a movie or anything,” he wrote on Twitter.

The artist also revealed that she has been dealing with the disease for at least nine years. After several consultations, techniques and advice, the correct diagnosis came and she required surgery. A common doubt that can arise is: Can the disease return after the procedure? O Yahoo spoke to Sidney Pearce, physician and founder of the Ceará Endometriosis Center (NECi), who said:

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“Endometriosis is considered a disease that has no cure. It starts primarily with the reflux of menstruation down the fallopian tubes. If you have surgery, you remove all visible foci (of the disease). But if the patient continues to have incessant menses or stimulation of the hormone produced by the ovaries, the disease can return”.