Amadeus quotHow much will he earn thanks to Chiara Ferragniquot

Amadeus? "How much will he earn thanks to Chiara Ferragni?": shocking figures

Italy is beginning to transform itself into a republic based on… Instagram. Irony aside, the massive, free, and sometimes disturbing promotion on Zuckerberg’s social network didn’t go unnoticed during the festival Sanremo 2023. Above all, it was the win amadeuswhich thanks to the push of Clear Ferragni has reached almost 2 million followers: it’s not just about image, all these social successes can also be exploited commercially.

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On the two evenings that Ferragni was co-host – that is, the first and the last – wasted the references to Instagram and especially to the boom of the new Amadeus profile, which until now had remained in the social shadow, divided only one account with his wife. Marco Zonetti on Dagospia, in front of more than ten million viewers, underlined the benefits that the Sanremo conductor can derive from advertising on Instagram. The merits can indeed be high for those who are particularly persecuted: a “Celebrity” Companies like Amadeus can get very high compensation for a single piece of .

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“For example – Zonetti points out on Dagospia – Chiara Ferragni and Fedez deserve each 50,000 euros her And 30,000 euros for him for each post. The number of followers of Amadeus is not at the level of Ferragnez at the moment, but thanks to the promotion of Sanremo (and Rai) paid for by us, he can now start earning considerable sums.