Alfonso Signorini the dramatic terminal illness the little I have

Alfonso Signorini, the dramatic terminal illness, “the little I have left to live” ​​

A sentence transmitted to GF Vip led to a dramatic revelation Alfonso Signorini has a terrible illness.

Over time he became a columnist for one of the most popular television conductors, Alfonso Signorini, historical director of the weekly news magazine Chi, has raised major concerns about his health and the news is alarming. The same famous conductor, after the publication of some rumors, decided to talk about the very serious deadly disease with which he is struggling.

Alfonso Signorini

We’re excited to see him return to the small screen in September with the new edition of Big Brother Vip, the names of the contestants are starting to emerge, even if a few bitter disappointments have arrived.

Nevertheless, September is near and Alfonso Signorini is already preparing jacket and bow tie for the many evenings that await him for the seventh edition of GF Vip, which he thinks will be truly incredible and full of surprises.

The drama of the illness by Alfonso Signorini

In recent years Alfonso Signorini has shown that he is very capable at the helm of the reality show Canale 5, although at first he was not so convinced, over time the audience has particularly loved it. certainly there has never been a lack of controversy.

For example, when a media frenzy erupted when he said one particularly unfortunate sentence Regarding the hot and touchy subject of abortion, Italy in particular is a clear anti-abortion countrythen start such a message on generalist television it can become very harmful.

Signorini said: “We are against abortion in all its forms…”. A phrase so controversial that even the production company Endemol He decided to distance himself by immediately writing a press release which reported: “On yesterday’s episode of Big Brother Vip, Alfonso Signorini gave his opinion on an important and sensitive issue such as abortion, which is a right of every woman enshrined in our legal system. While respecting everyone’s opinion, as Endemol Shine Italy we distance ourselves from his personal position […]”.

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A bad bracket that eventually ended in a stalemate because it seems no further words came from the conductor. There are many thorny issues throughout Big Brother, so many that only during another episode of the last installment a phrase was uttered, again by Signorini, startling the onlookers he said the same about his health, “For what little I have left to live on”.

A shocking sentence that immediately gave rise to concern, so that speculation immediately arose and a gossip industry expert, social investigator, hthrew the bomb and declared “Signorini said it ironically, but also seriously. Alfonso has leukemia and unfortunately not many years left. Giacomo Urtis is a great friend of his and he smiled (he loves him and knows the truth)”.

Alfonso Signorini

Frost! Especially since the confirmation of illness was later received by the person concerned who publicly acknowledged that he was suffering from it, reassuring everyone but stating that he managed to get out of it by averting the danger to his life, but apparently continues to keep his health under control.