After getting caught the former BBB opens the game and

After getting caught, the former BBB opens the game and comments on kisses with Jessilan Alves: "I think she’s too much"


The couple would have stayed on another occasion, ahead of Simaria’s 40th birthday party

By Lauren Berger

06/15/2022 15:21 BRT

06/15/2022 15:21 BRT

ExBBB had joked about the situation on Valentine's Day.  Photo: Reproduction / Official Instagram by JessilanExBBB had joked about the situation on Valentine’s Day. Photo: Reproduction / Official Instagram by JessilanLauren Berger

Singer Simaria’s 40th birthday party, held last Monday (13th), caused some excitement. One of them was a possible new couple. According to columnist Fefito of Uol was Jessilan Alves caught kissing with the also exBBB Matheus Lisboa.

While the exBBB 22 kept the affair a secret and even played with singleness During Valentine’s Day, Matheus opened up about the game and explained her situation to Uol’s Splash column. Jessi announced that her advisor would take care of the matter. When contacted, the teacher’s representatives stated that they do not comment on the client’s private life.

Matheus, on the other hand, gave more details about the relationship with the exBBB. According to journalist Lucas Pasin, the exbrother said he already knew Jessilan before Simaria’s 40th birthday party. “We met at a festival once, The Nomad [que aconteceu no dia 14 de maio, em São Paulo]. We met at the party,” he said.

Asked about the future of the relationship with Jessi, Matheus explained that he didn’t know exactly what would happen. However, he took the opportunity to praise the biology teacher. “I do not know [se será algo sério], it looked!? I think she’s too much. I love her energy,” he concluded.