After all is it healthier to pee standing up or

After all, is it healthier to pee standing up or sitting down? Study ends debate Revista Fórum

Written in SAÚDE on 05/29/2023 18:59

One of the most satisfying feelings in life is having to pee and finally reaching the toilet. In men, this absolutely everyday act of human life is made easier for purely anatomical reasons. In the vast majority of cultures, barring major obstacles, men urinate standing up, although many prefer to sit on the toilet to empty their bladders.

Faced with a seemingly simple fact, which however hides some cultural differences depending on people and nation, Leiden University Hospital in the Netherlands decided to investigate whether there are also physiological differences between peeing standing up and sitting on the toilet.

The data collected by the Dutch researchers showed that when men urinate standing up, the bladder does not empty completely, which is still prevalent in virtually all cultures, because the pelvic muscles are not fully relaxed. By completely relaxing this area, emptying is more efficient.

The study also showed that this act of urinating while sitting should be done more frequently and preferred for most men, since in the case of prostatic hyperplasia, swelling of this gland, urinating while standing is even less advisable and results in urination even less emptying of the bladder. Prostatic hyperplasia, a benign and fairly common event, affects or will affect the vast majority of the male population worldwide and occurs in approximately 8% of men in their 30s and 80% of men in their 80s.