Adriana Volpe throws a jab at former colleague Sonia Bruganelli

Adriana Volpe throws a jab at former colleague Sonia Bruganelli

Adriana Wolpe was banned from the Big Brother Vip reboot.

It is now common knowledge that the new entry will take its place Orietta Bertie. Confirmed together with her for this week’s edition Sonja Bruganelli. They will be the two women who will support the management Alfonso Signorini.

But how did it take this news? Adriana Wolpe? Let’s remember, she had agreed and was also excited to return to take on the role of columnist for this new installment of the most watched reality show in Italy. But something went wrong and in the end the Mediaset executives decided to reconfirm their colleague from the previous year and their successor. Despite the various controversies that have made them protagonists and antagonists, Adriana herself had intervened and stated that she felt no resentment opposite to Sonja and to actually feel appreciation for him. There seemed to be calm between the two ladiesbut now there are new statements that are making the net grumble.

Exactly there Fox She allowed herself an interview with the weekly newspaper Nuovo and took the opportunity to slap the wife hard in the face Paolo Bonolis:

Sonja Bruganelli? The people, the public, know that in life there are those who move on out of meritocracy, those out of sympathy, and those who move on simply because they have powerful patron saints behind them! This is life. I will probably miss all three … But you will see, I will surprise you with a beautiful project that I believe in very much, but for now I will say no more.

ThePipolTv also reflected on what might have been the reasons that led to his exclusion:

However, we at Pipol add that perhaps one of Adriana’s mistakes during her presence on Gfvip would have been to change her mind about advertising in the commercial episode after episode and to let social networks influence her too much. That is the reason for stopping at Gfvip.