Actress Maria Fernanda dies aged 96

Actress Maria Fernanda dies aged 96

Maria Fernanda reproduction

Maria Fernanda Reproduction

Published on 07/31/2022 11:13 | Updated on 07/31/2022 11:21 am

Rio Actress Maria Fernanda, 96, died this Saturday (30) of bacterial pneumonia. The living daughter of the poet Cecília Meireles (19011964) and the Portuguese illustrator Correia Dias (18921935) had been hospitalized since Tuesday (26th) at the Casa de Saúde São José in the Humaitá district of the South Zone Of Rio. She leaves behind a son, Luiz Fernando, the result of her relationship with director Luiz Gallon.

The death dates were confirmed by the health department. per day, this Sunday morning (31). “Casa de Saúde São José confirms that actress Maria Fernanda Meirelles Correia Dias died of bacterial pneumonia on Saturday July 30th. Maria Fernanda was born on July 26th. hospitalized,” the statement said.

Maria Fernanda began her theater career in 1948 with the role of Ophelia in the first production of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet to be filmed in the country. The artist appeared in the plays Doroteia (1950) by Nelson Rodrigues and Um Bonde Chamado Desejo (1962) by Tennessee Williams, which won her all the major theater awards of the time, including the first Moliére for Best Actress (1963 ).

Her other theater works include: Senhor dos Afogados (1954), Verde Que Te Quero Verde (1960), Um Bonde Chamado Desejo (1962), Oito Mulheres (1962), Santa Joana. (1965), “O Balcão” (1970), “Miss Julia” (1971), “Three Sisters” (1972), “I see a figure in the window”, “Help me, I’m a girl” (1979). ), How Shake Your Apartment (1980), Gone With the Wind (1984) and The Importance of Being Perfect (2004).

A consummate artist, the veteran made his television debut in Grande Teatro Tupi (1953). After that, she starred in the soap operas E o Vento Levou (1956), Gabriela (1975), Pai Hérói (1979), Dulcinéa Vai à Guerra (1980), Nem Rebeldes, Nem Fiéis. (1980). 1981), Moinhos de Vento (1983), Dona Beija (1986) and Olho por Olho (1988).

In addition to theater and television, Maria Fernanda also shone on the big screen in Always Resta Uma Esperança (1946), Terra Violenta (1948), Luz Apagada (1953), The Americano (1954), Lady (1955), The Amazon Trader (1956), Rumble of Passions (1958), Black Sheep, A Bachelor Farewell (1974), End of Party (1978), Joana Angelica ( 1979), Chico Rei (1985), Carlota Joaquina, Princess of Brazil (1995) and O Quinze (2004).