1654234279 Actress exposes s backstage I had to take medication plenanews

Actress exposes s backstage: ‘I had to take medication’ plena.news

Monique Mello 06.02.2022 14:10 | updated on 06.02.2022 15:12

Actress exposes s backstage I had to take medication plenanewsSuzana Pires Photo: Reproduction/Youtube Metropoles

Actress Suzana Pires, who hasn’t been with Globo since March this year, revealed uncomfortable situations she experienced while being part of the Carioca station. According to the artist, she was a victim of machismo when she first started working as a playwright.

In 2016, Suzana took over the authorship of the novel Sol Nascente when the author Walther Negrão fell ill. She was the channel’s premiere actress and playwright, capitalizing on the soap opera’s audience. It wasn’t enough for Globo to give him credit, however. The actress shared that she needed psychological help and received medication.

I had to start reviewing my skills because my selfesteem was already in tatters. I thought: Was that a stroke of luck? You forget that you have had a 20year career, that you have studied, that you have worked like a camel. I had to take medication he said in an interview with Leo Dias from Metrópoles Luft.

The actress revealed that she was disrespected behind the scenes. According to her, at meetings where she was the only woman present, she was only asked to get a “coffee”.

It lifted me off the ground. You deliver something and everything is bad? I couldn’t understand. Until the day I went and asked what was going on. Then I heard from the interlocutor that I had three problems: I was very happy, the second is that with this joy I managed to get the team to do what I wanted, and the third is that I skipped processes he said.

Suzana also complained about being branded an “activist” behind the scenes.

[Disseram] “You’re very activist and we don’t like that,” he revealed.

The actress left the Marinho channel on her own initiative. The actress and author wants to pursue an international career and integrate an American production.

“I don’t feel like a victim of anything,” he explained.

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