1655337309 According to science what does it mean to dream about

According to science, what does it mean to dream about your ex often? Panoramas

In Panorama we know that the dreams have important meanings that many reveal to us emotions or desires so we’ll tell you what it means dream about your ex often, according to science. Remember that our nightly thoughts are a reflection of the unconsciously!

Yes in the last few weeks your ex was present in yours rest day don’t worry, that doesn’t mean wanting to go back with him.

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Why am I dreaming about my ex?

According to studies conducted by harvard university, It may mean that some of your former partners are present emotionalitya good memory or so traumaticfor this reason we present specific situations in which this happens:

  • Problems with your current love

If your relationship hasn’t been going the way you expected lately, it may cause you to miss good things from your past relationshipsso try to fix things to avoid these dreams.

According to science what does it mean to dream about

Why am I dreaming about my ex? Photo: archive

You’ve lost the meaning of your dreams, your work, and your daily dynamics, so remember that person the your emotions stimulated and you feel better

  • Met someone who looks like your ex

Maybe life made you want to meet a person who Remember an old love and that reminded you of moments next to that important person.

you what do you think causes having dreams with an ex?, did it happen to you?