According to Gusttavo Lima the city of Minas Gerais will

According to Gusttavo Lima, the city of Minas Gerais will pay R$ 520,000 to Simone and Simaria

According to Gusttavo Lima, the city of Minas Gerais will pay R$ 520,000 to Simone and Simaria×According to Gusttavo Lima, the city of Minas Gerais will pay R$ 520,000 to Simone and Simaria

Photo: Disclosure

The city of Conceição do Mato Dentro in Minas Gerais, which intended to pay BRL 1.2 million for a single concert by Gusttavo Lima, will spend BRL 520,000 for a show by the duo Simone and Simaria. The information was collected by the antagonist next to the city’s transparency portal.

In total, according to official figures, the city hall allocated R$ 3.13 million in fees this year most of it for country artists.

In addition to the show by Gusttavo Lima (solely responsible for 38% of the total budget for shows in the city), City Hall also hired the duo Bruno and Marrone who were considered “tourism ambassadors” by the Jair Bolsonaro government for BRL 520,000 and Israel & Rodolfo for BRL 310,000.

All of them will appear later this month at the “Cavalgada do Senhor Bom Jesus do Matozinhos Jubilee”, a party that has been held in Conceição do Mato Dentro since 1990.

At least in the case of Gusttavo Lima, prosecutors say they will investigate the case. The amount paid to him is higher than the contract signed by the city for the construction of a new square. The prefecture canceled the presentation after the deputy’s intervention.

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