10 Powerful Last Names That Convey the Idea of ​​Power

10 Powerful Last Names That Convey the Idea of ​​Power

There are surnames that inspire admiration and can carry a lot meaning behind. These surnames can carry the idea of ​​strength and courage. Sometimes this power of the name comes from family history, sometimes from the meaning of the word. In this article we have made a list of 10 surnames Strengths and their importance.

Top 10 Powerful Last Names

Strong surnames include:

1. Kastro

The surname Castro comes from the Latin castru, which means “the one born near castles” or “the one who lives in places with fortresses”. This surname refers to a person of strength and stamina.

2. Rodrigues

This surname was inherited from Portuguese and freely translated means “son of Rodrigo”. But it can also mean “son of the powerful ruler” or “son of the powerful/famous king”. The surname Rodrigues referred to people of high power and prestige in society.

3. Bittenhof

This name brings with it a lot of elegance and comes from the French surname Bettencourt. The meaning is not exact, but it is believed to be a reference to “court” or “farm” associated with locations in northern France.

4. Cavalcante

It is a surname deriving from Italian nobility, meaning “the one who rides the horse” or “the one who rides”.

5. Monteiro

This surname, originating from Portugal, refers to one “who was born in the mountains” or a “hunter of the mountains”. A great reference is the writer Monteiro Lobato.

6. Alencar

Alencar refers to an ancient geographical region meaning “blessed spring” or “temple of the Alans”. José Alencar, author of the famous novel Iracema, is a notable bearer of this surname.

7. Alves

This surname with Norse roots means ‘warrior’ or ‘protector’. The meaning behind shows the strength of this surname.

8. Duarte

Duarte is a surname derived from the English Edward and is a combination of terms meaning ‘rich’ and ‘blessed’. Therefore, its meaning can be “rich guardian” or “guardian of wealth”. Several nobles and members of the Portuguese royal family used this name.

9. Rocks

Even the last name indicates resistance and strength. And that’s exactly what this surname means: “strong man” or “stable man”.

10. Goncalves

Another Portuguese heritage, the Gonçalves surname means ‘the one who is the son of a warrior’. Its meaning comes from the union of Latin terms meaning “warrior” and “battle”.